Having fun is something kids know instinctively how to do.
Yesterday I agreed to have my mates four year old for a couple of hours so she could work and was faced with the prospect of keeping not 1 but 2 pre-schoolers entertained and happy for the morning.
And to be fair, it wasn't too bad.
Apart from a few 'I want to do this.' 'Well I want to do that' type arguments, for the most part they played nicely together - drawing, watching a sing-a-long dvd, playing cars. And sofa jumping...
Now I know I probably should have put a stop to that one at the start but...well...they sounded like they were having sooooooo much fun I just didn't have the heart to tell them to stop jumping on the furniture (and it's not like any of our furniture is anything special, being a mis-match of hand-me-downs from people who CAN afford to buy NEW sofas...). It was worth any potential sofa damage just to hear them both giggling like loons for a good half an hour!!!
Look at the pictures below - I dare you not to smile...
See? Who says you need expensive toys or day trips to theme parks? Having fun really is as simple as jumping off the sofa...
lovely! such smiles on their faces x