Monday, January 06, 2014

Remembering the Good Things

Last year I made the decision NOT to make any specific New Year's Resolutions but instead gave myself four 'values' to do my best to live by - simplicity, heart, organisation and positivity. You can read more about it here.

I have to say - with the exception of organisation which, I fear, will be an eternal bugbear of mine! - I think I managed to apply these values to my day to day living fairly successfully, resulting in a 2013 that was, perhaps, a whole lot happier than it could have been! These values will continue to be my cornerstones for 2014 and beyond...  (with organisation needing a bit of extra work. I  WILL get organised!!)

I have already pledged to meal plan my way through 2014, although this is as much due to necessity as anything, which should be a good spur to keep on track!

I have also decided to set up a 'GOOD THINGS JAR'.

This is an idea I saw posted around the internet last year but never got around to doing. This year I have a jar all sorted along with a little stack of paper squares.
The idea is that whenever something lovely happens - whether a fun day out, a gesture from a friend (or a stranger), an achievement or just a moment worth remembering - we write it down on a piece of paper and pop it into the jar. Then, at the end of the year we can look back at all the good things that have filled our year.

I always find it's the bad stuff we remember the most, that makes the biggest impression on our recollection of the year just gone. I like the idea of a jar full of Good Things as an antidote to that. Even if we do have to deal with another year full of bad stuff it will give us something positive to reminisce about in 365 days time!

Will you be using a 'Good Things Jar' or some other way to record the nice things that happen throughout 2014?
Perhaps you filled a 'Good Things Jar' in 2013. How does it feel to look back on all the awesome things that filled your year?

Either way I'd love to hear about it!


  1. I started my Silver Lining posts for that very reason. I find it good to think about a few positive things every month that I can look back on and say 'yeah. That was a good day'. Even if the bad days outweigh the good, there's always a silver lining to every cloud! ;)

  2. I love this idea Anthea!....(I find the organising bit a difficult one too and am still working on it :-) )
    Wishing you a wonderful and creative 2014!
    Susan x

  3. Love the jar idea. I made 'grateful' journals for my two sisters as part of their Christmas and decided to do similar and write something everyday that I am grateful for, takes two minutes, just a couple of words each day but makes me think of something positive everyday to be grateful for :)


Thanks for staying this long :) I would love to hear what you have to say. Don't be shy, this could be start of a beautiful friendship!

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